NYC Biomedical Engineering Programs
with nano focus areas
City College of New York
PhD Biomedical Engineering
The Grove School’s Department of Biomedical Engineering is already a leader in scientific excellence, state-of-the-art research facilities, and partnerships with the premier health care and medical research institution of New York City. Internationally recognized faculty members conduct both basic medical research and transitional biotechnology development.
One of the most diverse engineering departments in the nation, City’s biomedical engineering students pursue Bachelor of Engineering, Masters of Science, and Ph.D. degrees. And according to National Research Council rankings, our doctoral program in biomedical engineering is one of the nation’s best, tied with Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania!
The Department of Biomedical Engineering offers a course of study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Biomedical Engineering. The goal of the doctoral program is to develop creative and productive researchers who are skilled scientific collaborators and admirable professionals. The program provides research opportunities conducted in an environment of collaboration among engineers, biological scientists, and health care professionals from both CCNY and some of the premier medical institutions in New York City.

New York University
MS Biomedical
Our faculty and students focus on connecting engineering and technology with medicine. They create new approaches and tools for medical imaging, tissue engineering and repair, bio-instrumentation and biosensors, mechanobiology, robotics and prosthetics, computational medicine, systems genetics, and a wide variety of other applications.
The MS program in Biomedical Engineering merges course work from Tandon’s engineering departments along with research opportunities with biomedical engineering faculty from across NYU to create a degree path that matches a student’s BME career objectives.
The Biomedical Engineering MS program offers three tracks that reflect the discipline’s major areas of involvement. These are:
Medical Imaging
Columbia University
PhD Biomedical Engineering
The programs in biomedical engineering at Columbia (BS, MS, Ph.D., EngScD, and MD/Ph.D.) prepare students to apply engineering and applied science to problems in biology, medicine, and the understanding of living systems and their behavior, and to develop biomedical systems and devices. Modern engineering encompasses sophisticated approaches to measurement, data acquisition and analysis, simulation, and systems identification. These approaches are useful in the study of individual cells, organs, entire organisms, and populations of organisms. The increasing value of mathematical models in the analysis of living systems is an important sign of the success of contemporary activity. Programs in biomedical engineering are taught by our own faculty, members of other Engineering departments, and faculty from other university divisions who have strong interests and involvement in biomedical engineering. Several of the faculty hold joint appointments in Biomedical Engineering and other University departments.
Areas of particular interest to Columbia faculty include biomechanics, cellular, and tissue engineering and artificial organs, auditory biophysics, and biosignals and biomedical imaging.

New Jersey Institute of Technology
PhD Biomedical Engineering
BME offers students broad-based technical expertise grounded in engineering foundations, approaches, and techniques for biomedical engineering design and design assessment, command of advanced biomedical design, simulation, analysis and project management tools used in today's clinical practices, effective training to contribute to multidisciplinary and geographically dispersed teams and the ability to take on leadership roles in industrial or clinical environments.
BME also houses modern research laboratories and fosters an entrepreneurial environment that encourages students and faculty to pursue new technologies from concept through commercialization, while preserving the ideals integral to an institution of higher learning.
BME graduate degree offerings provide research opportunities of great variety and scope. They also offer an unusual receptivity to different kinds of research interests, from the most immediate and practical to the highly theoretical.
BME includes programs in the emerging field of biomedical engineering, as well as a new program in bioengineering. Faculty and students collaborate on joint educational and research programs. The close proximity of these disciplines encourages cooperation and provides access to equipment and expertise not usually available within a single department.